GOA's podcast page

micpodcast title

Podcasts are digital media files (most often audio, but they can be video as well), which are produced in a series. You can subscribe to a series of files, or podcast, by using a piece of software called a podcatcher. Once you subscribe, your podcatcher periodically checks to see if any new files have been published, and if so, automatically downloads them onto your computer or portable music player for you to listen to or watch, whenever you wish. 

How do I get a Podcast?

There are many ways to get a podcast at the moment the most common way is through iTunes. If you have an iPhone, iPod iPad etc it's very easy to download through iTunes. If you are using in android or Windows-based operating system  there are many different pod-catchers available. If you're still unsure please e-mail Scott at GOA by clicking here

 What will be on GOA'S Podcast?

 Our podcasts are designed to help you in your farming enterprise. The format of the show will basically be Talkback interview style with 2 to 3 guest per show. We will be trying to make these issues discussed on a show very current and topical for growers and advisers in our region.


We do welcome your input, if you have a suggestion for a guess that you would like us to interview please e-mail us.



New shows coming soon!!


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