Virtual field day - canola
Hi and welcome to our virtual trial tour. The object of this page is so you can experience the results of one of our trials and that having actually visited the site, just like a field day!
The plots below represent the treatment in a real trial that was conducted at Wellington in 2013, the object in which it is to find the best control of ryegrass in canola crops.
Simply just click on one of the plots below and watch the small presentation on that treatment.
Please note, in all this trial had 36 entries. We have only picked the highlights for our virtual field day. If you would like to view the full trial report please click the following link:
Untreated control
Atrazine @2.2kg/ha IBS
Atrazine @ 2.2kg/ha PSPE
Atrazine @ 2.2kg/ha Split, half IBS and half PSPE
Atrazine @2.2kg/ha and Trifluralin @1.5L/ha
Atrazine @2.2kg/ha and Trifluralin @1.5L/ha and a post spray of Clethodim
Terbyne Herbicide
Unregistered Group D
Summing Up